4 Key Hormones Causing You to Gain Weight

The most common misconceptions in the weight loss industry lead you to believe that burning more calories than you are consuming is the solution to weight loss for women, but this equation is actually flawed and is not getting to the root cause of inflammation, gut health, and hormone imbalances, the things actually causing your weight loss resistance.

The most common misconceptions in the weight loss industry lead you to believe that burning more calories than you are consuming is the solution to weight loss for women, but this equation is actually flawed and is not getting to the root cause of i…

Hormones regulate everything in your body from when you're hungry to whether your body is storing or burning fat. If you have been yo-yo dieting and in a weight-loss battle for several years your hormones are likely making it extremely difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off.

The typical weight-loss strategies you’ve been trying like, counting calories or you're just following a keto diet, Weight Watchers or some other fad diet doesn’t address the root causes of weight loss resistance. Trust me, the same strategies you’ve tried time and time again only to gain all the weight back will never yield a different result for this reason.

Today I'm going to teach you the 4 key hormones contributing to your weight loss resistance and give you action steps you can take today to get those hormones back in balance so you can begin to break through weight loss resistance and actually make a permanent lifestyle change!

1. Insulin

Insulin is your body's main fat-storing hormone and its job is to deliver blood sugar to your different cells to be used for energy. 

Now here's the problem highly elevated levels of insulin all day every day are going to lead to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Eating meals that are really high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are what causes highly elevated levels of insulin aka insulin resistance(*)

Action steps you can take right now to regulate insulin in your body:

  • You need to become aware of the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates that you're eating on a regular basis really look at the ingredients list of everything in your pantry. Even a jar of spaghetti sauce or Jimmy Dean's breakfast sausage have sugar hiding in them. 

  • Regulating insulin levels really comes down eating a balanced plate of whole foods. You want to make sure you’re eating the right amount of protein your body needs, incorporating healthy fats into each meal and we're not talking loads of cheese, we are talking healthy fats


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2. Leptin

Leptin is your satiating hormone. It is sending the signal to your brain that it already has enough fat stored, which prevents you from overeating, however, in people who are overweight Leptin is way off balance and this signal doesn't quite work as well(*)

This leads to overeating and that feeling of never feeling satiated, always feeling hungry.

Actionable steps that you can take right now to start balancing your leptin levels:

  • Eat less inflammatory foods; sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial trans fats, vegetable and seed oils, processed meats 

  • Start incorporating anti-inflammatory foods; berries, avocados, leafy greens, broccoli, fatty fish


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3. Ghrelin

Ghrelin is your hunger hormone. It's sending that signal to your brain letting your brain know that you're hungry. When you neglect the quality of the food you’re eating these levels get thrown all kinds of out of whack and then your body isn't getting the correct hunger signals causing you to overeat(*)

Action steps to start regulating Ghrelin...you're going to notice a pattern here 

  • Be aware of your consumption of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and highly processed foods 

  • Getting an adequate amount of protein for your body. Protein is going to be very satiating and will help you feel fuller longer 


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4. Cortisol 

Cortisol is your body's stress hormone. Cortisol is released when your body senses stress, which is necessary for certain bodily functions, however, in excess, it will cause you to overeat and causes your body to store fat making it extremely difficult to burn fat (*)

A sign that cortisol is heavily contributing to your weight loss resistance is if you're carrying a lot of your weight in your stomach.

Actionable steps that you can take right now to support healthy cortisol levels 

  • Evaluate what things are causing unnecessary stress on your body and on your mind? How can you start to elevate some of the stress in your life?

  • You need to start making sure that you’re getting quality sleep 

  • Starting your morning a little bit slower and not in a state of panic trying to get out the door on time. 


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Hormones Work together and heavily contribute to your appetite and whether your body is burning or storing fat. If your system isn't working properly you will find it very difficult to lose weight and you will be in a state of weight loss resistance.

if you want to change that, start becoming aware of how the food you're eating is affecting your body. As you may have noticed the most common things with all of these different hormones is reducing your consumption of sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods.

I know you have likely tried all the fad diets and have been unable to make a sustainable change. I’ 'm telling you that this is the secret sauce, taking these action steps will get to the root cause of your weight loss resistance once and for all!